Latest Episodes

Should Someone Whose Source of Income is Social Security File for Bankruptcy?
Hello, my name is Jeff Kelly. I’m a bankruptcy attorney. And in this video, I want to talk about should someone whose sole source...

Borrowing to avoid bankruptcy

Rising Home Prices cause Problems for People Who need Bankruptcy
Transcript: Jeff Kelly: Hello, this is Jeff Kelly and in today’s episode I want to talk about how rising home prices cause bankruptcy problems....

Patent Attorney Interview with JD Houvener
Transcript: Intro Speaker: It’s time for KellyCanHelp hosted by Jeff Kelly, Attorney at Law with the Law office of Jeffrey B. Kelly. And now...

Don Golden Week Six
Transcript: Intro Speaker: It’s time for KellyCanHelp hosted by Jeff Kelly, Attorney at Law with the law office of Jeffrey B. Kelly. And now...

Pride and Bankruptcy
Transcript: Hello, this is Jeff Kelly. And in today’s episode, I want to talk more about pride and bankruptcy. I recently met with a...